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I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1973.
I drew all my life and still feel the same emotion that I´ve felt when I was a little girl. Images, like a way of communication, are very important part of my life. Painting, films, design and photography make my life richer.
My travel through images make me become an Art Director. I am graduated from Escuela Superior de Creativos Publicitarios and worked in advertising and graphic design since then. In the middle of this journey, illustrations for children, found and show me a new world that was unknown. Since that moment children books have become my great passion.
I have taken part of individual and collective exhibitions. 
My first Book was "No te enojes mamá" (“Mom don´t get ungry”) written by Mario Figueroa, published by Editorial Imaginante, and the last book was "El sol escondido" ("Sun hidden") written by Carolina Tosi, published by Editorial Edebé.
That’s all I am, an adult who has become a child again, with a pencil on her hands.

Illustration works: Editorial illustration / School books / children's book illustration.


Clients | Publishers: Santillana, Edebé, Del Naranjo, Cassava Station. EEUU: Alfaguara, Macmillan, McGraw-Hill, TSI Evolve (EEUU) among others.


- My Books -

“No te enojes mama” / “Do not be angry mom”  | Publishing house: Imaginante  | Mario Figueroa.

“Lola y el amor” / “Lola and love”  | Publishing house: Imaginante  | Mario Figueroa.

“Estamos grabando” / “We are recording” | Publishing house: Edebé  | Patricia Suárez.

“El chico nuevo” / “The new boy”  |  Publishing house:   Del Naranjo  |  Adriana Fernández.

“El sol Escondido” / “The sun hidden”  |  Publishing house:  Edebé  |  Carolina Tosi.